Android Navigation Drawer

Satya Pavan Kantamani
3 min readJul 6, 2020

Learn the easiest way to implement Nav Drawer in your apps

What is Navigation Drawer?

A Navigation Drawer is nothing but a panel of options on the left edge of the screen. Usually, it is hidden from view, however, it can be revealed when the user swipes from the left or clicks on the “hamburger” icon. Also if there is enough space on the screen for instance consider a tablet in landscape mode so here we can display the Navigation Drawer permanently without hiding it. It’s generally referred with many names like Nav Drawer, Nav menu, Left Nav, Navigation Menu, etc.

Why do we need a Navigation Drawer?

Nav Drawer is one of the standard practices implemented in most apps that have more options to expose to their users. It provides a flexible and easiest way for the users to reach a particular destination rather than searching for the options they require. Navigation Drawer is the best solution for quick navigation between unrelated destinations.

How to implement a Navigation Drawer?

Navigation Drawer is nothing but a container where our navigation menu resides. Either we can use NavigationView for creating a highly customizable menu or we can simply use a RecyclerView to provide the menu items. Here let’s check…



Satya Pavan Kantamani
Satya Pavan Kantamani

Written by Satya Pavan Kantamani

Android Dev, Interested in Traveling, App development. Based in Hyderabad, India. Catch me at

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